
Joel Pollard

Director of Talent Growth and Development at Arcurve

Joel Pollard has been a leader in the Calgary tech industry for 20 years, having worked in start-ups and enterprise organizations alike. Joel has built and led teams in the custom software and product development spaces, focusing on team dynamics, and reliable software processes. A firm believer that building the best environment and practices will attract the best people and result in the best outcomes, Joel has a proven track record of high performing teams delivering high quality software systems.

Joel is the Director of Talent Growth and Development at Arcurve, Inc., responsible for the strategy and systems behind building Arcurve’s team of technology professionals in Calgary and our technology hubs in Vancouver, Halifax, and Houston. Arcurve has delivered more than 800 projects for clients in a variety of industries and technology stacks.

Joel Pollard
Ashok Dudhat

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