
Hiu Pun Chong

Personality Type Expert and Training Consultant

Hiu Pun has been a global business trainer in Asia and Europe for more than 15 years. He is a certified MBTI® practitioner, FIRO-B® practitioner, Hogan Assessment® practitioner, DISC® practitioner, and TypeCoach® practitioner. He also works with TKI®, Belbin Team Role Inventory®, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and Big 5 Personality, and has a very good knowledge of Jungian Psychology.

Hiu Pun loves to facilitate talent development using various psychometric instruments. His workshops cover topics such as communication, conflict management, stress management, decision making, innovation, motivation, leadership style, work style, team style, personality compatibility, and type dynamics. All of his workshops are enthusiastically received by the participants. “After his workshop, I truly see people and the world differently and communicate better with my colleagues” – this is the most frequent comment he receives.

He is also a public speaker and speaks at international conferences on organizational development, team development, career development and self-development. He gives lectures/workshops on organizational behavior and intercultural communication for universities in Germany and Poland. His motto is 3P: Purpose, Passion, Perseverance. His vision is that everyone can use psychometric instruments to realize their full potential and promote a positive mindset, growth, authenticity, and harmony in the workplace.

Ashok Dudhat

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