Chris Leong
Director at Leong Solutions Limited
Chris provides Advisory and Delivery, Transformation and Change consulting services to organisations on Responsible Innovation, specifically in Socio-Technical Systems, where AI is deployed with automated decision-making and profiling capabilities that impact people and society directly and instantly.
Regulators are introducing new regulations such as the EU AI Act and the EU Digital Services Act, as well as enforcing existing regulations such as GDPR to provide regulatory safeguards to civil society impacted by automated decision-making and profiling from Socio-Technical Systems. The consequences of all outcomes from these Socio-Technical Systems will matter.
With over 3 decades of industry experience, 2 of which in Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC), Chris understands the intricacies and interconnectivity of business functions as well as the dynamics and cultures within global organisations that support or hinder performance, change, transformation, business results and ultimately the customers and consumers of digital services.
Chris understands the criticality and importance of integrated risk management, compliance and ethics in the interconnected digital world; that the constituents of the value chain are interdependent; and where the consequences of adverse outcomes are instant.
Responsible Innovation needs to be embedded into the DNA of, and demonstrated by, any organisation aspiring to grow in the digital age. Trust is the new currency for engagement. Chris can help you succeed in your digital business change and transformation through Responsible Innovation so that you can Differentiate Through Trustworthiness.
Chris is also a ForHumanity Fellow, a member of their Ethics Committee and a Certified Auditor for GDPR.