Alexandra Kafka
Founder & CEO of Oxyzn
Alexandra Kafka is a tier 1 PR consultant, Founder & CEO, and corporate wellbeing architect of Oxyzn. She is also a wellbeing keynote speaker and a corporate wellbeing consultant. Combining her five years of client management experience with a deep understanding of mindfulness, she uses these skills to radically enhance employees’ well-being. As a PR executive, she has been sought out by brands like Vodafone, Edelman, Amazon, HSBC, and the Cannes Film Festival, among others.
She specialises in designing and delivering B2B wellness solutions such as bespoke corporate wellness programmes as well as B2C solutions including detox retreats for HNWIs and UHNWIs and special wellbeing events for VIPs.
After experiencing burnout herself, she resigned from her PR role and embarked on a two-year mindfulness journey around the world. She studied through the British Wheel of Yoga and the Yoga Alliance, visiting and sometimes sailing to 43 countries to explore ways of transforming her life through well-being practices with the aim of re-starting her career in a new direction. Through a self-healing mindfulness journey, she discovered her love for mindfulness – her second greatest passion in life, which inspired her to show modern employees how to use these wellbeing tools the same way she did. This is how mindfulness became her life’s mission – to help employees on their personal journey to claim their full potential. She can make that promise to her clients because long before she helped other people to enhance their own well-being, love, and creativity she was her own best customer.
Alexandra is on a 3 years’ mission to help 5,000 HRs to create a positive resilient workplace, deliver their KPIs and achieve greater results of productivity. Thanks to her passion for wellness, she has been entrusted to offer a series of programmes to more than 20,000 employees and 50 multinational corporations including Conrad Hilton Resorts, Marriott, TITAN, Bureaus Veritas, Royal Bank of Canada, BDO, Kennedy’s Law, Wells Fargo, and Charles Rivers Associates. One of her greatest passions is delivering wellbeing talks to big summits – in 2021 alone she served more than 25 big conferences including CodeSync, the Human Resource Summit, and the She Leads Summit. Through these programmes, Alexandra helps leading companies to create not only a happier but also a more productive workplace.