I became an entrepreneur 10 years ago when I decided to leave the corporate world, after 20 years of a long, challenging, painful but also amazing and successful career, as a Finance leader in the Oil & Gas and Consulting Industries. I founded my company Mind Bridges and I am an ICF Professional Accredited Coach and Mentor.
Today, I still have people questioning me; ‘How do you do it?’, ‘How are you so resilient?’, ‘How you don’t give up?’, ‘Where are you going to find so much energy and enthusiasm?’…
Today, I still hear people saying … ‘You are a coach…that is for people who don’t have a job or want to work’…, ‘Now everyone is a coach….’, ‘Coaching… I don’t believe in that…’, ‘I don’t have patience for that…’…, ‘Coaching is not going pay for your bills…’ and so many more!
I worked in different countries in Europe and Africa, and my daily life and workplace were, and still are, always full of diversity, I worked and led teams with more than 10 different nationalities, I traveled around the world, and I visited more than 30 countries and I lived in 3, being now based in Estoril, Portugal.
I see diversity as a way to grow, and I search for that, through meeting different people, different businesses, different ideas, and different places. I learn more about what is different from me, the difference that stretches me out of my comfort zone, and there, is where the magic happens.
As soon as I finally saw myself as an entrepreneur, everything started flowing. Not that everything is sorted out, but it is so much easier to work all the muscles that I need to keep me going, and what I believe is the difference that can make a real difference.
I believe in what I do, which is supporting others to believe in themselves too.
I love to co-create with my clients, entrepreneurs or not, people who want to lead change, real people who struggle, feel pain, and fear, and want to be free to make their own choices.
Get into action and join us in the webinar of the Tech Jobs Fair to find out more about how to surf the journey and what strategies to develop to start, or restart a new chapter of your career, life, or entrepreneurship journey.