Venture Daily

Media Partner

Venture Daily’s editorial team scours over a hundred news sites every day in search of key startup news. We want to give our readers the perfect morning reading every morning. In the style of conventional daily newspapers, we summarize the daily events of the day before, filter, curate, comment and summarize. Better you can not consume startup messages.

Behind venture Daily is NKF Media – and thus the same team that also the startup Magazine Berlin Valley and the hundreds of manufactures and the German startup database . NKF Media is a team full of startup enthusiasts. We observe the current affairs and record the trends that determine our future. We have been doing this since 2013. Regardless of which medium or channel, we want to provide our readers with an orientation in a changing world and point out the most important future trends. The future is a wonderful thing, as long as you see it coming in early and classify it correctly. Here, the daily startup newsletter Venture Daily should be a constant companion.

At the end of 2016, the NKF Summit hosted a series of conferences on our popular startup magazines. The NKF Summit is a link between established companies (corporates, SMEs) and the startup world. The next NKF Summit will take place on September 8, 2017 with approx. 500 participants and 40 outstanding speakers in the Berlin Radial System.

Venture Daily
Ashok Dudhat

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