5 Best Most Used Leadership Styles You Could Follow

Leadership styles are how a leader can approach particular scenarios, make certain decisions, and motivate people to work properly. It’s basically how a leader operates and maintains his leadership. There are many different and common leadership styles effective in the world currently but what is the most effective leadership style?

Well, it varies from person to person. What could be my most effective leadership style could not be useful for you at all. That’s how it works. That’s why we have gathered few most common and successful leadership styles that you could look into and find the one which suits you the most.

Most used leadership styles that you could follow

Everybody faces a leadership role at some part in their lives. If you can see it coming, here are the few leadership styles that you could adapt to. Share on X

1. Autocratic

Autocratic is one of the most common leadership styles implemented all over the world. It’s also known as the authoritarian style or a conventional leadership style that focuses on getting results instead of how they get them.

Autocratic leaders are known to be purely focused on results and efficiency. They often make decisions alone and they trust themselves. Sometimes they involve close and trusted people but that’s it. It’s also known for its similarities with military-style leadership.

2. Laissez-faire

The Laissez-faire leadership style, also known as hands-off, is about building trust and creating a sense of responsibility within the team and you. In this style, rather than assigning tasks to each employee and managing all yourself, every employee can select tasks that they see fit for them.

Laissez-faire leaders focus on managing employees rather than leading from the front. This is one of the leadership styles that is used mostly when the team is highly trained and knows what to do.

leadership styles

3. Democratic

Just like the name says, the democratic leadership style is the most participative style that involves every team member. In a sum of autocratic and laissez-faire leadership styles, the democratic leader focuses on asking team members for their feedback and opinion on each decision before it’s finalized.

It’s also one of the most successful leadership styles as every team member feels involved but the final decision is taken by the leader. This leadership style is known to generate much higher engagement rates and satisfaction among employees.

4. Transformational

The transformational leadership style is one of the styles which focus on gaining results but also managing and teaching the team members. It’s one of the revolutionary leadership styles which focuses on coaching the team members about how to communicate, set goals, and motivating the team members. It focuses on instilling the values of commitment and dedication within the team.

If there’s an experienced team that knows what they are doing, this leadership style is one of the most effective as the main focus is on the bigger picture that is building an amazing team.

5. Pacesetter

Pacesetter leaders are amazing leaders who can push their teams to produce great results in a quick time. Such leaders focus on the performance of the entire team as they set high standards for their team and motivate them to overachieve.

leadership styles

If you want to increase the performance of an underperforming team, incorporating a pacesetter leadership style may be the way to go. Such leaders are known for hitting the goal targets no matter what team they are provided with. They bring a new wave of energy and freshness to the team.

6. Transactional

The transactional leadership style is similar to pacesetter but not quite. A transactional leader rewards or punishes everything based on performance metrics. There are incentives based on performance and goals. Such leaders believe that every interaction with their team members is a transaction and how the team will perform will be rewarded.


So, there you have your 6 most common leadership styles that you could incorporate within your team or in your managers, or if you are a leader yourself, then in yourself as well. The main thing is learning within your leadership and finding the best version of leadership within yourself.

That might be one of these styles, a combination of these styles, or a whole new style altogether. Do not worry and keep leading as you see fit as long as it’s giving out results.

If you want to hire a fantastic leader for your company, you can look towards Tech Jobs Fair where all the top talents are for hire. If you are a job seeker looking to get a manager position, Tech Jobs Fair is where all the awesome jobs are at.

5 Best Most Used Leadership Styles You Could Follow
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