
Exhibitor Partner

Established in 1998, Virtualinfocom is known for many innovations in IT solution , AnimationGame DevelopmentVirtual RealityAugmented RealityIOTBlockchain solutionsMachin Learning solutions, Simulation, Mobile Applications , iPhone apps , Android Games, Mobile Gaming and ad promotion, Ad-commercials, Short films, Comics Design , Corporate FilmsAnimated MoviesMusic VideosVisual/Special Effects, Software Development, Digital Marketing Solution, Industrial Design , OTT Movies Tools under one roof. It all started with a dream. A dream to “Bring Art and Technology Together Successfully”, in a way that would allow the world to reap the benefits of creativity armed with Information technology.

That dream shaped Virtualinfocom.India’s one of the first game studio since 1998 with global office in in Dubai, Australia, India, South Africa and USA.

Ashok Dudhat

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