USER Rendszerház Kft

Exhibitor Partner

We are doing business with our customers by selling IBM, Lenovo, VMware, Kofax and Redhat hardware and software products for them. Besides that we are providing software development, integration and support services.

We are continuously enhancing the scope of the provided products and services, answering the needs of our current and potential customers. We are willing to improve primarily our highly sophisticated, high-tech and knowledge-based services.

We have initiated our business partnership with IBM in 1997 (with our predecessor in title – USER Tanácsadó Kft). IBM Business Partners are the primary means of providing small and medium sized businesses with IBM solutions and besides that the IBM Business Partners helps IBM to fulfill the IT needs of various enterprises.

From the very beginning of our IBM partnership we are one of the largest reseller and integrator partner both in hardware and software in Hungary.

Our primary goal is to provide excellent services to our customers. For that we are developing our IT system on a yearly bases. Our colleagues are always well trained and willing to keep their eyes on the technical development both at our direct partners and at the competitive providers. We also have devices that we can use to demonstrate the suggested solutions to our customers. We operates a continuously improved, yearly testified and approved quality management system since 2006.

We are proud of, that in November, 2010 IBM invited us to be part of the IBM World Wide Tivoli TOP50 business partners that is a widely recognized technical, technological and sales cooperation with IBM.

Ashok Dudhat

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